As Asset Export, we provide all kinds of heating and cooling system project design, product supply, export service, installation and service.
Heating systems can be defined as systems established to keep the temperature of the used space at the appropriate and adjusted temperature, as well as to reduce the loss of indoor heat to the outside environment.
According to the types of usage areas, we can divide them into two groups as central heating systems and local heating systems. Central heating systems are systems that are installed in places with multiple compartments and/or multiple living spaces such as buildings, apartments, sites, hospitals, hotels, and are installed in a single place or living place with a local heating system.
Boilers, heaters, piping and radiators are used in heating systems by using water, air and steam.
Cooling systems can be diversified such as cooling with air conditioner, cooling with split air conditioner, cooling from floor and wall, installation of cold room and cold storage, central cooling systems, fan coil cooling, cooling with VRV.
Cooling systems are configured as water or gas. It is designed specifically for the space and need in places such as shopping malls, hotels, hospitals, industrial environments, cold storages, drug stores, food warehouses.